Unit Business
Manufacturing equipment are composed of thousands to tens of thousands of items.
At the design stage, the skill to combine components to achieve reliable equipment operation as intended is key for success. Equipment assembly requires to maximize equipment performance while securing precision alignment.
Integrated production system enables us to be capable of in-house production from design to manufacturing and strongly support user needs.
Mirapro have been expanding our businesses not only in vacuum components but also Original Design Manufacturing (ODM) in cooperation with equipment manufactures. As market trend has changed drastically and the period from product development until delivery to end user has shorten, equipment manufacturers are required to develop new tools with shorter lead times. As equipment manufacturer that take the initiative for the technology management, we can take responsibility for special technical area. MIRAPRO is capable of mechanical design, electrical design and software design and we provide equipment these technologies are integrated.
Vacuum process-related equipment (for semiconductors and LCD)
Load lock chamber, transfer chamber, Inkjet mechanism
Test process chamber and control mechanism, Image recognition processing,
Gate valve, High temperature chamber with water cooling
Improving thermal efficiency and heat consumption of vacuum related process equipment
Vacuum heat insulation double structure
Vacuum process-related equipment (transport system)
Glass sub-straight transport mechanism, Film transport mechanism
Parts transport and transport control
Indexing unit
Vacuum process related equipment
LED manufacturing chamber, Sintering chamber
Vacuum process (gas system)
Gas panel
Process power supply
RF generator
On-site plumbing construction
Vacuum piping system
Equipment and design for science and technology
Antenna Port for National Institute for Fusion Science, KAGRA
Design and manufacture of Heat Exchanger